Friday, February 28, 2014

Louise Nevelson

Sky Cathedral , 1958, painted wood, 11' x 10' x 18 "

Nevelson's work progressed over time from sculptures to assemblages, often in black monochrome which she believed contained all colors.  One of  her first exhibits - Moon Garden Plus One - shows pieces in several rooms, all done in black and all assemblages.   The Sky Cathedral title is used multiple times over the years.  The 1958 version demonstrates balance by repetition of line and creation of harmony through line and monochrome color.  The cast off items stand together knowing they represent one united piece of black strength.

Nevelson always knew she was an artist and she "lived" her art, -  known for her strength, charisma, ethinc clothing and mink eyelashes, she was "hard drinking, hard working.";; , moma ny .org

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