Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Annette Messager

Family II, 2000,

Articulated-disarticulated, 2001-2
Messager combines stuffed toy body parts of animals, humans, and fantasy beings in her installation art.  Fragmenting things and displaying the pieces allows viewers to ponder possible reconnection of the pieces.  Soft textures contradict the macabre arrangements.

In Family II soft parts of stuffed animals hang gutted on a wall.  The flat, lifeless pieces of animal characters randomly placed in an arc await re assembly.  

Articulated-disarticulated deals with mad cow diease that ravaged Britain and France in the early 2000s.  Gutted parts of various animals intermix in eerie combinations yet still lay or hang in incomplete form.

guggenheim.org; thegaurdian.com

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